You know that in the world of marketing, anything that can go wrong will go wrong at some point. We’re pretty sure that’s Newton’s law, right? However, you may also know that sometimes the best marketing campaigns or ideas come out of a “plan B” because something went awry with “plan A.” Below, we’ll take a look at one example from a big brand that made the most of a less than favorable situation and turned it into a marketing win! Then, let’s talk about how your brand can pivot in 2022.
A Lesson on Pivoting
Last week, a time-tested brand had a problem. While marketing is all about trying to sell your product, Philadelphia Cream Cheese took a different approach. Realizing that there was a cream cheese shortage on their hands with the holidays coming up, they decided to offer $20 to a select number of people who could prove that they chose not to use their product this year. While it sounds like the opposite of a good marketing strategy, it’s truly a genius idea. Here’s why:
- They saw the shortage coming and acted. They knew without doing something, there would be unsatisfied customers on their hands.
- They still offered their customers a deal, even if it wasn’t for their product.
- They made their brand top-of-mind and even gained media coverage because of the unconventional marketing tactic.
So, when you have a problem on your hands or even a marketing campaign that isn’t performing how you hoped, how can you take a lesson from this well-known brand? Let’s explore below!
Know When to Pivot
When you’ve been closely working on a marketing campaign or strategy, it’s easy to become attached to the idea even if it’s not performing the way you hoped. Surround yourself with a team that feels empowered to provide feedback and also isn’t afraid to think outside the box. It may be time to pivot if you didn’t get the results you hoped for with your last few campaigns or if you have a shortage on your hands like Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
Part of knowing when to pivot is simply evaluating how you’re doing and what problems exist on hand. Remember that for every problem there is a solution, and your marketing efforts can match!
How to Pivot
The number one step is to not panic. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that some things are simply out of your control. Evaluate what doesn’t seem to be working and take it one step at a time. Determine whether it’s the channels you’re using, the messaging or even a shortage on your hands. If email marketing hasn’t been working, consider trying direct mail and vice versa. Look for alternate channels and ways to reach your audience.
Now it’s time to get out there and get creative in 2022. Remember that pivoting is a natural part of every marketing strategy, no matter how big or small your brand. Take it one step at a time, and remember that you’re in the company of greats when you need to pivot. Here’s to a creative 2022 filled with your best marketing campaigns yet!