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5 Tried and True Ways to Increase Brand Awareness

In a world full of competing brands and causes, some days it can feel nearly impossible to stand out in the crowd. However, with a few trusted marketing tactics, you’ll be on your way to getting your brand in front of new and qualified buyers. From giveaways to leveraging the help of those who already know and love you, check out these five ways to increase brand awareness for your business. 


1. Do a Giveaway

People love free things! Encourage your current social media followers to tag a friend who isn’t currently following your account for a chance to win an item you’re giving away (*ahem* a printed item, perhaps?). This helps mobilize some of the people who already know and love you to involve others who haven’t heard of your brand just yet. 

Consider what you’d be willing to give away, and what would be worth a follow from your audience. The giveaway could be a physical item or even a discount. In addition, try teaming up with a brand who has a large online followership to help leverage each of your audiences to help the other business. 


2. Assemble a Super-team of Advocates

You already have people who are familiar with your  business. Enlist their help to spread the word! Think of it as an exclusive club of your top cheerleaders. Offer swag that they’ll want to wear or use, like printed t-shirts or mugs. Ask them to leave reviews on your online pages. See if they know anybody who might be just as interested in your products and services as they are. If you’re doing it right, your super-team of advocates may already be singing your praises based on their experiences with your business. 


3. Give a Referral Incentive

Your current customers are some of your biggest supporters. When you take into account that people often ask their friends, family and loved ones for advice or referrals this opens up a golden opportunity for your business. Offer an incentive for your current customers to refer somebody to your business. This could include a discount or a special offer once the referred customer does business with you.


4. Network, Network, Network

Trade shows. Conferences. Community events. There are opportunities all around to get your brand out there. It starts with building relationships. People will want to genuinely know who you are and what you’re passionate about. Luckily, if you’re passionate about your business and brand, that will shine through. Focus on building connections and the relationships, and brand awareness will follow. 


5. Pay to Play

Depending on your marketing budget, sometimes it pays off when you pay to play. If you’re looking to increase awareness of your brand online or in-person, you may look at paying for advertisements or advertising materials. Especially online, there is a wealth of potential customers out there. You can use specific targeting details to reach your ideal demographic. 

In-person, you might consider printing a well-crafted campaign that includes something fun for your audience to take home so they’ll remember you later. Marketers use anything from pens to mugs, to bags that hold merch! Consider something that your audience might like to use again and again so that your brand name stays top of mind. 


Opportunities to talk about your business and brand are all around you. Focus on building relationships with your current customers and treating your potential customers with the same amount of love and respect. With these five brand awareness tips, you’re on your way to getting your business in front of new eyes and building brand loyalists for life!